Thursday, 30 April 2020

Notices for Friday May 1

@Chat will be open from 9am Thread: Friday 1 May 2020. 
We will have group video meetings tomorrow.

  • Year 6 Boys at 9:30
  • Year 5 students at 10am. 
  • Year 6 Girls at 11am
These video meetings will be in the daily @Chat thread. 

Weekly Learning tasks to be handed into Google Classroom before 3:30pm. 

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Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Notices for Thursday 30 April

  • @Chat thread Thursday 30 April will be in the Room 4 Week 3 Term 2 chat room from 9am. 
  • Our video meeting will be at 9:30am in the chat thread. Theme: PJ day
  • Continue working on your learning tasks, be sure to ask questions in the @Chat thread if you need help. 
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Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Notices for Wednesday 29 April

  • Students will have Learning tasks in their Other Learning Areas folder in their Google Drive from Wednesday morning. Complete as many tasks as possible and hand into Google Classroom on Friday by 3:30pm.
  • The @Chat thread will be live from Wednesday morning at 9am. Note: There will be a new class @Chat room - R4 Term 2 Week 3 Students should check their @Chat and emails to get the correct classroom. The previous one was getting too big and difficult to find the correct threads. 
  • The class video meeting will be in the Wednesday Chat thread at 10:00am. Theme: Pet day. 
Remember to check the blog every school morning for the daily notices.

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Monday, 27 April 2020

R4 Notices Week3 Term 2

Well done to all students who completed the learning tasks last week. Everyone who handed in their learning to Google Classroom has been paid a Banqer bonus. Our class has been awesome, especially during our morning meetings where everyone is participating (when the internet is good) and being respectful.

  • Tuesday is a teacher only day so there are no lessons for students. 
  • Students will have Learning tasks in their Other Learning Areas folder in their Google Drive from Wednesday morning. Complete as many tasks as possible and hand into Google Classroom on Friday by 3:30pm.
  • The @Chat thread will be live from Wednesday morning at 9am. Note: There will be a new class @Chat room - R4 Term 2 Week 3 Students should check their @Chat and emails to get the correct classroom. The previous one was getting too big and difficult to find the correct threads. 
  • The class video meeting will be in the Wednesday Chat thread at 10:00am. Theme: Pet day. 
Remember to check the blog every school morning for the daily notices.

Click here to access Bishop Steve's online Mass. Here is a link to the prayer booklet.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Formal Friday Notices

  • Our @Chat will be open at 9am.  Friday 24 April 2020
  • Come to our video meeting at 9:30am in your formal clothes. Borrow Mum and Dad's suits and dresses if you have to (ask first). 
  • Complete as many learning tasks and turn in the task sheet to our Google Classroom by 3:30pm.  Here is a 'How to video' if you need it.
  • Here is the family Kahoot for this week - get your family to help you. Winners will be announced early next week. 
Here is our online Anzac Liturgy. Thank you to Mrs Hall for putting this together. 

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Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Notices for Thursday 23 April

  • @Chat will be on from 9am
  • We will have a video meeting at 9:30am in the @chat thread for the day.
  • Theme: Aaron's birthday! Bring your morning tea (home baking if you've got it).

happy birthday

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Notices for Wednesday 22 April

  • @Chat will be open from 9am Only use today's thread. 
  • Video meeting at 9:30 in the @Chat thread. Theme: Earth Day, come representing our Earth in some way. Who can be the most creative?
  • Keep working on your Learning tasks today. 
Below is Andrew Chinn's daily prayer that we used yesterday.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Notices for Tuesday 21 April

  • @Chat will open at 9am. Use the thread Tuesday 21 April
  • Class Google Meet at 9:30am from within @Chat thread Theme: Wear your family's country colours. So if your parents are from South Africa you wear their colours. Don't tell anyone online your country, we'll try to guess. 
  • Below is a House competition organised by the House Leaders. Upload your photo entry to the Google photo album on our Learning site here (May need to be signed in to school Google account to view).

Sunday, 19 April 2020

R4 Notices W2 T2

I hope everyone is doing well, I guess we'll have some more clarity about our situation on Monday. We had some great learning happening last week, please encourage your child to take part as much as possible. Nearly everyone handed in their learning via Google Classroom on Friday. Everyone who did (or tried) has a Banqer bonus in their account.

As always, please contact me if you have a question or concern.

For this week.

  • Learning tasks for the week will be in Other Learning Areas Google Drive folders Monday morning. 
  • We will have an online meeting each day at 9:30am. There will be a different theme each day.
  • Our class calendar (On the Learning site) has details of other events happening throughout the week. 
  • Students need to check this class blog for daily notices each morning. 
Elizabeth's lovely prayer table. 

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Notices for Friday 17 April

  • The Chat for today will be live from 9am - Friday 17 April 
  • Our Class Meeting will be in the @chat thread for today at 9:30am.  Please enter with your microphone on mute.  Campbell and Xavier will be running the meeting. 
  • Learning tasks are to be turned in via Google Classroom before 3:30pm. 
  • Mr J will be running a Scratch tutorial at 10:30am, only for those students who want to have some help. 

Family challenge (whanau help encouraged)

Let's have a go at this quiz, the leaderboard is rolling until 8pm tonight. Winners will be announced early next week.
Click on this link to access the Kahoot. Use the Pin 04334178

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Notices for Thursday 16 April

  • The Chat thread for Thursday 16 April will be open from 9am. 
  • The class video chat will be at 9:30am. Theme - Bring 3 things that represent you without words (be creative).
  • Keep working on the Learning tasks. 
  • Mr J will be online between 9am-11am and 2:30pm-3:30pm.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Notices fro Wednesday 15 April

We will have a video chat at 9:30am. From your 9 dots access @Chat and find today's thread titled Wednesday 15 April 2020
  • Bring a book you have recently read to the video meeting.
  • This week's learning tasks are in your Other Learning Areas folder.
  • Mr James will be online between 9:00am- 11:00am and 2:00pm-3:00pm
Some guidelines for our online chat and video meetings.

Remember, be respectful and follow our school's Golden rules. 

It might be a good routine to check these 3 places each school morning:
  1. This blog - Notices will be posted here daily. 
  2. Your email - This is where individual messages will be shared with you (in your 9 dots). 
  3. Our class calendar - So you know what is coming up (in your 9 dots)

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Week 1 Term 2 Notices

  • I will share a grid for student learning this week( will be there Tuesday), it will be in the Other Learning Areas folder in student Google Drives.
  • We will have our first meet up on Wednesday morning at 9:30am to run through the learning for the week.
  • Students should not be spending too long on their devices each day. I estimate about 2 hrs a day. There are offline tasks and I know you will also have family time as well.  Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything.
  • My advice is to keep a bit of a routine going as it will make starting back at school smoother if your child continues learning from home. I have put a link to a daily planner on our learning site, should your child want to plan their day.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Getting ready for Term 2

I hope you and your family are doing ok. This is just a reminder of a few things to help your child be set up for learning to start Wednesday 15 April.

  • Your child's Holiday Reading Log is in their Google Drive Reading folder - they should be typing on the doc as they read. This will be handed in via Google Classroom after the holidays (see the tutorial below). Please encourage your child to read and complete their log, it encourages good habits. 
  • Our school day will not be structured as it is when we are at school, there will be tasks that your child needs to complete, some to hand in, some to just do and some to share with others. 
  • Please help your child manage their time on their devices, in the three days before the holidays some students were on a lot, and most of their time was simply in the class chat room. It was new so maybe they were just excited and I fully understand that they may be missing their friends. 
  • When we have class or group chats I expect students to behave and follow our school Golden rules. If a student is not being respectful then I will contact you for support in helping them. Our class was really good during the few video sessions we did have. I do however think that smaller group sessions will be better.
  • School accounts are for learning only. If you allow your child to be online playing games, watching videos or doing other things then they need to use a different Google account on their Chromebooks. 
  • Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns, I am happy to arrange online meetings should your child need some extra support. I did this with a few students before the holidays and it worked really well. 
Click here to see how a student hands in learning via Google Classroom.

I will be in touch before school starts next Wednesday, just to let parents know a brief outline of the learning students can take part in during the week.

P.S. Ask your child to show you the class cooking/baking photos in our shared Google photos album, there are some great chefs amongst us.