Sunday, 15 March 2020

Week 7 Term 1 Camp week

At the bottom of this post is information regarding Corona virus.

We are going to camp on Wednesday. Students bring all their camp gear and some home baking to share for supper to school between 8:30-8:45am. I'll be talking to the students in class more tomorrow and Tuesday. All the information is on the school website here . Students wear sensible mufti, they'll be taking part in outdoor activities throughout the day

Packing for camp is a chance for parents to allow children to develop independence. Parents, please back off a bit here. 


Library - bring books to exchange

Camp departure 8:30-8:45am


Camp return approximately 4pm.

Stronger border restrictions were announced yesterday which effectively mean, as of midnight, tonight all travellers to New Zealand must self-isolate for 14 days on arrival, other than those from Pacific Islands. This will be reviewed in 16 days. Cruise ships are also banned until 30 June. Products and cargo are still coming in so no need to rush to the supermarket!

At this point, no further advice has come from the Ministry that impacts schools. We are ready to implement our Pandemic plan if necessary. We'll keep you all updated if there is any further advice from the Ministry.

Right now, here's what we can all do to help stamp this virus out (taken from the Prime Ministers statement today):

"So here's my request to New Zealanders.

1) Wash your hands

2) If you don’t need to travel overseas, then don’t. Enjoy your own backyard for a time.

3) Wash your hands

4) If you’re sick, stay home.

5) If you sneeze, do it into your elbow

6) Wash your hands.

7) Stop handshakes, hugs, and hongi - I know this is counter to who we are as a nation, but the best thing we can do right now to show love and affection to one another, is to switch to the East Coast wave.

8) Please be mindful of the older citizens in your life. Check in on them, but if you’re sick, keep your distance.

Finally, we are a tough resilient people. We have been here before. But our journey will depend on how we work together. We are taking every measure we need as a government, and we ask that you do too.

We all have a role to play. Look out for your neighbours, look out for your family. Look out for your friends."

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