Wednesday, 27 May 2020

What are IL's

Parents, please ask your child to show you their IL (independent Learning).

R4 students learning to calculate area, perimeter and volume. 
During Lockdown R4 students recorded picture books for junior students to listen to. Here is a photo of a Kokano class listening to a story. Their teacher reported that they loved hearing the big kids reading

Sunday, 24 May 2020

R4 Notices W7 T2

We had a fantastic week back together last week. We have been really good at cleaning surfaces in class and sanitising often. Can we please have any school journal books still at home returned this week.

Hazel and Anja are leading us in prayer this week.
All students to wear winter uniform, including black shoes (The uniform shop will be open from 8:30am Monday).
We have wifi back at school - All students need their charged Chromebook ready for learning.

Library - bring books to exchange



Sausage sizzle

Chinese lessons

Our Mandarin Learning Assistant has not been able to join us due to Covid19.  However, we are very lucky to have Jack in our class who ran a very good lesson on Friday for us. Hěn hǎo Jack!

Our Chinese teacher Jack. 


Every student is expected to read at least one novel per week in R4. This can be achieved through a mixture of reading at home and at school. Books can be borrowed from our school library, the town library or books can from home can be read. It is important these books come to school every day as we stop and read each day.

Wet break times

With winter approaching we are more likely to have inside break times. Students are encouraged to bring card games, board games, colouring-in books, or other quiet inside activities. The expectation is that students are participating in a quiet activity at wet break times - no devices will be used.


Parents can you please check with your child that they have enough stationery, some got taken home before Lockdown and has not come back to school. In particular blue and red pens and rulers.

Below are the Principal's awards for this week. Tino pai tamariki.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

R4 Notices W6 T2 (Back to school)

It is going to be great to be all back together again. I am so proud of the efforts of the R4 students during our time online. Thanks also to all you parents who also helped it go so smoothly.

Some notices for this week.
  • Students can wear mufti for the first week if the winter uniform is not ready to go. Parents can choose mufti or uniform. 
  • Please make sure Chromebooks are charged and ready. 
  • The team at school has provided us with all the cleaning and sanitizing gear we need and the cleaners are doing a fantastic job of making it as safe as possible. 
  • Please read the information below regarding school this week. 
Bitmoji Image

Dear Parents/Whanau

Some reminders for this week:

Below are the pickup and drop off times for children. We ask you to stick to the times below. Our processes will be reviewed in a few days and some adjustments may be made. We need to make sure that our processes are robust before we make any changes. If you need to get to work earlier than the stated times of drop off you could take your children to Before School Care at Glenholme School. The contact details are: Maryanne Roling 0211215599. Maryanne will bring the children over to St Mary’s at 8.45am.

Start of the day - NB: Everyone to sanitise their hands at the gate sanitiser stations. When inside the school grounds please follow the arrows on the path and grass. We will endeavour to have foot traffic flowing one way around the entrances.

The school gates will be opened at 8.30am and all gates will be accessible until 9am.

8.30 - 8.45am Arrival time for Totara Team (Rooms 1-5) and Kahikatea Team (Rooms 12,14-17)

8.45-9.00am Arrival time for students in Kakano, siblings of students in Kakano and students from Before School Care arrive.

9.30am (Monday) Kakano 7 children start (our newbies).

When all students arrive at school they are to go to their classrooms immediately.

We encourage parents to drop their child at the gate and not enter the school grounds unless it is absolutely necessary to do so. Parents must not enter any classrooms please. If parents do come on the school grounds then you either use the contact tracing app (see below) or you will be photographed. It is a requirement that we register and record everyone that comes on our grounds.

Any students who come to school after 9am will need to come in via the Carnot Street entrance and must be accompanied by an adult when they report to the School Office.

End of the Day:

2.30 - 2.45pm Pick up time for students in Kakano, siblings of students in Kakano and students going to After school Care

3.00pm - 3.15 pm Pick up time for Totara Team (Rooms 1-5) and Kahikatea Team (Rooms 12,14-17)

Please note all gates, except Carnot Street, will be locked at 3.15pm

Parents may come onsite in the afternoon to collect their child from the classroom, If you do come on the school grounds then you either use the contact tracing app (see below) or you will need to be photographed. The photos will be used for the sole purpose of contact tracing if required and will be deleted at the end of the school term.

Children will be able to come to the gates for pick up at the end of the day. Children will be spaced along the end of the car park behind temporary fencing for you to drive past and pick up your child. There will be a teacher supervising.

Because we have fenced off part of the church car park there will be limited parking in the church car park. There is plenty of room to park in the vacant section beside the church car park. There are also parking spaces in the Ranolf St church car park.


A reminder that children are to bring:
Water bottle

What to wear:
School uniforms or mufti can be worn for the first week.

Contact Tracing at St Mary’s
We have registered our school location for contact tracing via Our location code is 080045.
We will have posters at the gate which gives you a QR code you can scan ( if you have a QR code app) or you can go directly to the website The first time you go onto this site you will need to add in your details. Make sure you tick the box to remember your details for subsequent visits AND make sure you press submit. Maybe have a trial run while you are at home.

If for some reason you can’t access this site we will need to take your photo if you come onto the school grounds.

We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Kind regards

David Macmillan

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Notices for Friday 15 May

Our last Remote Learning day! Everyone has done incredibly well. Let's have a great last day of learning online before we meet up again on Monday.

@Chat open from 9am
VIdeo meeting 9:30am. Theme: Guess the baby pic Send Mr J a baby photo.
Learning tasks are in your OLA folder.
