Saturday, 29 February 2020

Week 5 Term 1 Notices

All parents are invited to a camp meeting on Wednesday at 5:15pm.

Your child has spelling words to learn, I expect this to be done throughout the week and we'll have a little test on Friday. It is very clear to see the students that do put in the effort and they get the rewards.  Here are the words.

We are swimming every day this week.
Please keep the gala items coming in - See you at the gala on Thursday.
Students should have their PE gear in their bags every day. Here is a link to the correct PE gear for our school. No random mufti clothes please.
School hats can be borrowed for a day but if your child is continually not bringing a hat then they will only be able to play in the shade.

Thank you for sending back the many notices that have been coming home, our class has done very well at this.


Library - bring books to exchange

Parent camp meeting 5:15pm at school

Gala day


Only a few burnt sausages ;-)

Remember: School swimming sports on 9 March at the Aquatic center. Drop your children there in the morning and pick up at 2:30pm. Email Lorna Dobson if you can help.

IMPORTANT: Uniform Return.
Unless your child is playing touch rugby or cricket this term, ALL school issued sports uniform must be returned by 3.15pm Friday 6th March or you will lose your bond. Contact Whaea Leanne, Sports Coordinator if you have any queries. or 027 285 7579 or via  the School Office 

348 1701.

Friday, 28 February 2020

A week is a long time

No, it actually flies by in R4 as we are super busy.  Here are a few photos of what's happened so far this week. Please take the time to discuss the learning that has happened so the home- school links continue to be strong.

Camp helpers
Thank you to everyone who has offered to help at our camp. I'll discuss our needs with Miss Nelson and we'll let you know early next week. We have a camp meeting for all parents on Wednesday at 5:15pm and a short meeting for those parents attending camp afterwards. 

So this week your child had a list of 10 words to learn and today we did a short test. It appears some children did not learn these words. Many students will be learning the same words next week, your job is to help them improve their score next week. 

Keep the goods coming in please, R4 is doing well in the class competition I am sure.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Week 4 Term 1 Notices

If your child has not returned their Chromebook user agreement can you please help them return it asap. 

We are not swimming this week.
Please continue to support the Gala by bringing in items. I have attached the schedule at the bottom of this post.
Students will have a small list of spelling words to learn this week.

Totara camp meeting for students
Library - bring books to exchange.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy in the Church at 9am. Whanau are welcome to attend.
Go-Girls cricket - bring PE gear.
Warriors visiting in the hall at 10am.

Sausage sizzle
Leadership assembly 2:05pm.

Victoria and Franco sizzling the sausages. 
The school gala is our PTA’s main fundraiser for the year.  All monies raised at
our gala are given to St Mary’s school for the benefit of our children.
To help keep our costs to a minimum, we encourage our school families to
please bring an item to school each day in the weeks leading up to the gala. 
These items are set out below.
Keep this notice in a handy place to remind you.

Tuesday 25th  February
Nacho Day - Corn chips, tinned tomatoes, chilli or kidney beans,
nacho mince recipe sachets. NOVOTEL ARE COOKING THE

Monday 24th February
Mystery Jar Day  A bit like a lucky dip, Fill an empty jar with anything new that
children will like.  This could include party favours, bubbles, slime, lollies, chocolates,
toy cars etc. Bring these in unwrapped so we can sort into boys and girls.
Tuesday 25th  February
Nacho Day - Corn chips, tinned tomatoes, chilli or kidney beans, onions, nacho mince recipe sachets. NOVOTEL ARE COOKING THE NACHOS FOR US
Wednesday 26th February
Books, toys and Baby Elephant - Board games, children’s sporting equipment,
CD's, DVD's, playstation games, jigsaws 
Thursday 27th February
Bottle Day - Please bring a bottle or jar of something e.g. shampoo, sauce,
condiment / relish, perfume, jam, oil etc. Please note no alcohol is allowed to be
brought to school by children
Friday 28th February
Nacho Day - Corn chips, tinned tomatoes, chilli or kidney beans, onions,
nacho mince recipe sachets
Monday 2nd March
Grocery Day - Packet / Boxes day – Bring a packet or box of something
e.g. biscuits, cereal, flour, crackers, chips, sultanas, cornflakes, breadcrumbs,
Handee towels, jelly, pretzels etc.  Plastic bags appreciated
Tuesday 3th March
White Elephant  Day -Books, toys and Baby Elephant - Board games,
children’s sporting equipment, CD's, DVD's, playstation games, jigsaws,
Wednesday 4th March
Mystery Jar Day  A bit like a lucky dip, Fill an empty jar with anything new t
hat children will  like. This could include party favours, bubbles, slime, lollies,
chocolates, toy cars etc  Bring these in unwrapped so we can sort into boys
and girls.

Grocery, fresh fruit and vegetables day - Please bring to school any grocery
items, tinned goods or fruit/vegetables from your garden e.g. tomatoes, feijoas,
lettuce, zucchini etc
5th March
GALA DAY! HOMEMADE Cakes, biscuits, muffins, sweets, fudge, coconut
ice, sweets, toffee apples and any fresh produce

All gala contributions to be taken to Hall foyer and placed in class boxes; 
Most goods donated
Most mystery jars 
Most cakes donated
Points to note - No fresh cream items please; cake plates will be given out to
all students for our coffee and cake stall and will be priced by our PTA.
Baby Elephant includes – children’s toys, sports gear, CD’s, DVD’s, puzzles, games,
lego, books

PLEASE NO damaged or broken second hand goods

JUST $100 secures your baton
for the night.
We have a limited number available.
Please contact Heidi Symon on
021 911 305.
Payment to the office by the
end of school Wednesday 4th March


Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Swimming and other bits

We have been making good use of our pool, which our caretaker has got looking great.

Reminder: We are biking to school tomorrow from Sophia Street. Bikes can be left in class tomorrow night if you can't make it in to pick up after school.

Our Opening Mass is on Friday at 9am in the Church.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Week 3 Term 1 Notices

We are swimming each day this week. All students need to bring their togs.
All of our community are invited to our Opening school Mass on Friday,at 9am in the Church.
Our Library day is Tuesday this term.
Our school Gala is only a few weeks away, please check the schedule for what to bring to school.

As part of the learning programme in R4 all students will help Viv cook the sausage sizzle on a Friday. The first crew were great.

This week:

Library - bring books to exchange.

Go by bike day - more information below.
Girls will be taking part in a Girls only cricket session. PE gear is required.


Mass 9am
Sausage sizzle

Sport BoP are holding a Rotorua-wide Go By Bike Day this Wednesday 19
February and one of the pit stops will be on the Ranolf Street shared pathway.
There will be a gazebo set up at 132 Ranolf Street, opposite Guidough’s Bakery,
offering fruit and spot prizes for commuters on wheels.

We would like our St Mary’s school community to participate in this amazing event.

The plan for Wednesday 19th February:
8am – meet at Sophia Street with bikes / scooters
8:10am – make way down Ranolf Street shared path
What we need:
Parents / caregivers to marshal / help out at road crossings assisting groups of our wheeled
commuters safely across the roads.
Please contact Leanne, School Sports Coordinator if you can assist or require more
information. or 027 285 7579 or via School Office 348 1701

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Time capsule

Today we measured ourselves and set some goals for the year. We've recorded the information on a time capsule so we can check in again at the end of the year.

Using cm and metres to measure ourselves.

Great teamwork.

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Week 2 Notices

I hope everyone had a great first day on Friday. This week we have a full week of learning and fun in R4.

Please check your Chromebook is fully charged ready to be used tomorrow.
Everyone needs to have their own school hat with their name on it. No hat = sitting on a step in the shade.
If you are still interested in signing up for a summer sport please check with the office.

Did you know that we have a site dedicated to learning resources for students to access in Totara. You need to be signed into your school Google account to access most of the resources. We will be using this a lot throughout the year.

Everyone is welcome to attend a Mass on Wednesday evening, see the message below.

Thursday, 6 February 2020

The First day

I am sure everyone will have a great first day tomorrow. Mrs Sorrenson will be in class for tomorrow only and I will be back on Monday. 

Please check all stationery is named and students can claim a tote tray when they arrive in class from 8:30am.

Bell times

Please note the bell times are changing just a bit this year but the beginning and end are staying the same - 8:30am doors open, 8:45am classes start and 3:00pm school ends. The morning sessions are being lengthened and the afternoon shorter which will be good in this hot weather.


Students will need their Chromebooks tomorrow, please make sure they are charged as we do not have any charging in class for safety reasons. If you have any issues with your Chromebook please just see me.

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me over the past few days, it is really good to get to know students and their whanau, it helps form relationships and plan for exciting learning opportunities.  If we have not met can you please contact me to make a time.

Mr J.

Monday, 3 February 2020

Welcome to R4 2020

Kia ora.

Welcome to the Room 4 community. I am sure you and your child will have a great year learning and making friendships.

Over the next two days there is an opportunity for you to meet with me to discuss your child and their learning. If you have not yet made an appointment please follow this link to book in.
code: ef64p

 Call the school office should you have any problems. 07 3481701

It is important we meet to discuss the year ahead and so I can plan the best possible learning programme for your child.

During the year weekly notices will be posted here every Sunday and a diary of what's happening in our class will be posted throughout the weeks. Please add your email to the subscribe widget to the right.

I look forward to seeing you over the coming days.

Mr J.